Sonic ADAMA #3

Hannes Buder & Elena Sword

Flyer Design: Cecile Rossant, 2025

Sonic ADAMA #3

Die exzellente Stimme von Elena Sword trifft auf Hannes Buders idiosynkratisches Cello- und Gitarrenspiel. Beide verweben in diesem Programm ihre Songs und Kompositionen. Nicht schubladierbar, extrem persönlich, und frei schwingend zwischen fragil und roh.

Elena Sword ist eine in den USA geborene Sängerin. In ihrer Stimme finden sich klassische Musik, Popmusik und zeitgenössische Gesangstechniken. Sie schreibt Kompositionen für Stimme und verschiedene Instrumente, mit ihren eigenen, aus persönlicher Erfahrung lebenden Texten.

Hannes Buder ist Cellist, Gitarrist und Komponist. Er fühlt sich den Künstlern der Art Brut und des abstrakten Expressionismus, sowie der Minimal Music verbunden. "Wenn ich so musizieren könnte, wie Mark Rothko malte, wäre ich ein glücklicher Mensch".

Hannes Buder

Hannes Buder (born 1978 in the former GDR) is a german guitarist, cellist and composer, whose work gaines from a disparate range of influences, including minimal music, 20th century classical music, jazz and avantgarde rock. After studying electric guitar in Dresden he relocated to Berlin, where he became involved with the experimental music scene. He played in numerous projects ranging from completely improvised music to completely composed music, and the transistion area in between. Besides that, Buder has always been a composer and music inventor himself, creating a large collection of solo compositions, first for electric guitar, and later for cello and voice, documented on his five solo albums. He also composed for smaller and larger ensembles, including four compositions for 25 piece orchestra.

Buder also frequently works with dancers, in larger companies or in duos. He composed, performed and recorded music and sound for film and theatre.

The musicians and composers that Buder collaborated with include Nicole Mitchell, Todd Capp, Andrew Lafkas, Helmut Öhring, Thomas Noll, Hannes Lingens, Luc Houtkamp, Audrey Chen, Tony Buck, Audrey Lauro, Hilary Jeffery, Mike Majkowski, Steve Heather, and many more.